Art-Science Collective 

01.    Explore

Nec finibus laoreet. Mauris non porta augue. Nullam lacus massa, sollicitudin sed lectus sagittis, tincidunt luctus urna. Vivamus volutpat lorem id enim venenatis interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ac mi sem. In id tristique lorem, quis faucibus sem.
Pellentesque UT 

Sodales nibh, nec cursus mauris. Nulla hendrerit quam mi, non varius ante tempus eu. Sed lectus diam, rutrum eu pretium venenatis, gravida non nulla. Aliquam in urna vitae urna ullamcorper aliquam cursus sed purus. Praesent turpis dui, faucibus at aliquam vitae, sodales a massa. Praesent tempor fringilla massa, vitae tristique elit placerat vitae. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse quam risus, scelerisque quis arcu id, vehicula euismod dolor. Maecenas euismod fermentum dictum. Proin et metus dictum, cursus risus et, rutrum nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla ac mi sem. In id tristique lorem, quis.

02.    Create

Nam blandit venenatis mauris sit amet tempus. Ut tincidunt mi ut pharetra varius. Maecenas laoreet quam sem, et ornare ex volutpat ut. Duis ultricies tincidunt tempor. Nulla auctor pulvinar felis, vel dignissim eros blandit dapibus. Integer sit amet luctus tortor. Praesent feugiat viverra lorem, et blandit erat rhoncus quis. Vestibulum diam ex, maximus ut mattis id. Ut tincidunt mi ut pharetra varius. Maecenas laoreet quam sem, et ornare ex volutpat ut. Duis ultricies tincidunt tempor. Nulla auctor pulvinar felis, vel dignissim eros blandit dapibus. Integer sit amet luctus tortor. Praesent feugiat viverra lorem, est.
Nulla Hendrerit

Quam mi, non varius ante tempus eu. Sed lectus diam, rutrum eu pretium venenatis, gravida non nulla. Aliquam in urna vitae urna ullamcorper aliquam cursus sed purus. Praesent turpis dui, faucibus at aliquam vitae, sodales a massa. Praesent tempor fringilla massa, vitae tristique elit placerat vitae. Suspendisse potenti. 

03.    Experience 

In eget tristique nisl. Donec ut odio scelerisque, placerat arcu semper, venenatis neque. Praesent in aliquam lectus. Maecenas malesuada, eros sed faucibus efficitur, eros metus vulputate odio, vel varius neque diam ultrices purus. Donec eleifend mi ex, vel cursus lacus tincidunt ac.
Suspendisse Potenti

Pellentesque ut sodales nibh, nec cursus mauris. Nulla hendrerit quam mi, non varius ante tempus eu. Sed lectus diam, rutrum eu pretium venenatis, gravida non nulla. Aliquam in urna vitae urna ullamcorper aliquam cursus sed purus. Praesent turpis dui, faucibus at aliquam vitae, sodales a massa. Praesent tempor fringilla massa, vitae tristique elit placerat vitae. Suspendisse potenti. Duis sollicitudin nisl mi, nec congue metus sodales quis. Nulla condimentum, quam quis interdum semper, metus turpis pulvinar est, ut rutrum elit est et tellus. In consectetur nulla quis nisi euismod, in semper eros. 

As part of the inagural Jiggling Atoms exhibition in 2012 Natalie Kay-Thatcher designed and hand painted this incredible and unique board game. Over the years pieces have been lost, perhaps kidknapped! But here you can see some of the original images of it in use at our exhibition at the Rag Factory in 2012, at the London Design Festival at the South Bank Centre in 2013 and at the TEDx Albertopolis 2013 at the Royal Albert Hall. While physicsts found the Higgs Boson we never saw this wonderful work of art again! Legend has it that Race For The Higgs was last seen in the Royal Albert Hall and stolen by goblins living in the basement there. 

Race for the Higgs!           
Hand-made board game created by Natalie Kay-Thatcher
possibly missing, possibliy abducted
Last seen 2013 in London
United Kingdom


Invisible Structures was a continuation of the original JA concept: introducing deisgners and artists to ideas in physics and asking them to create and exploration or an explanantion of the phenomena they had learnt. This project was ran with students at Camberwell College of Arts in 2013 this term-long project enabled students to consider how they process information thorugh their creative practice. As part of the Invisible Structures project we ran experiemental workshops to help students to explore or explain some element of what they had learnt in the lectures

Lecture Series
Physical Processes as Works of Art - Design and Systems of Study (the arbitrariness of it all) - Graphic Narrative and Science - Mathematics and Physical Space

Workshop Series

Camberwell College of Arts


I cant beleive we’re still doing this!
“If we were to name the most powerful assumption of all, which leads one on and on in an attempt to understand life, it is that all things are made of atoms, and that everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jigglings and wigglings of atoms.”- Richard Feynman